Our Privacy Commitment

We understand and acknowledge the importance of the privacy of customers and other visitors to our website.  This privacy includes any information about customers, venues, comedians and contractors that we collect and record and which could be used to reasonably identify them.

We view privacy as a serious matter and we adhere to the Privacy Act 1988 and the National Privacy Principles.  Copies of these documents are available from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner at: www.privacy.gov.au/act/

This Privacy Policy Statement sets out our policies on how we manage personal information throughout our business.

Types of Personal Information We Collect

The kind of information we collect will vary depending on the extent to which you use our services, but will generally include your name, your e-mail address, your telephone number/s and other contact details, and (for venues) your business address, the name of your business and/or employer.  We may also collect information about your use of products and services we supply, and any preferences that you tell us about.

If you are a comedian performing with us, we will collect and store your contact information, information on shows you have performed with us, including your punctuality, your support of the room and other comedians, and audience responses to your performance/s.  To help promote you, we will collect and publish your social media account links (including but not necessarily limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok) as well as links to online pages of your content that you have informed us that you would like to promote and that we agree to promote.  We may photograph you performing at our shows and sue those photos for promotional purposes, including, but not limited to, on websites and social media.

If you become a venue/customer we may collect information about: your business performance; your past, current and future business needs; your business circumstances including business goals, details about your venue, our interactions with your staff (e.g., for Workplace Safety compliance), booking times, reliability, etc.

Why We Collect Personal Information

Generally, we collect and use personal information about customers and visitors to provide a range of information and services relating to performing comedy and other comedy related services including, but not limited to, events, marketing activities and functions.

About Your Preferences

We do not collect sensitive personal information, such as your political or religious beliefs, sexual preference or ethnic background.

We collect general information for statistical and maintenance purposes that enables us to continually monitor and improve the performance of this website.

This information includes the number of users visiting this website and the number of pages viewed, the date, time and duration of visits, and the path that led each user to this website.

This information will not identify you and we will not attempt to identify you from this information by other means.

How We Collect Information

Generally, we collect personal information directly from you, such as when you apply for information from us or request a product or service, in the course of providing you with that product or service, or when you submit an enquiry or a comment on our websites or via our social media.

We may collect and update that information over the phone, at your place of business, at a performance venue, over the Internet, from publicly available information, in person, when you write to us or if you hire us or are involved  in our performances, promotions or marketing campaigns.

We may also collect personal information through third parties, e.g., associated people or businesses who refer you to us.   ©copyright 2016 – A Laugh And A Half

Our Storage of Information

We store personal information in computers, paper-based files and other records.  In so doing, we have taken steps to protect your personal information from loss, misuse or unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

In accordance with the National Privacy Principles, we periodically review reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify personal information when it is no longer needed.  Furthermore, unless it is not practicable or lawful, we will provide you the option of interacting with us anonymously.

Website Comments

To reduce comment spam, our website requires an email address when you comment.  We will not publish your email address and we will delete it from our website when your comment is approved (usually within 24 hours).  This is so that, even if our website ever gets hacked, your email is not stored on our website.

A last name is not required to comment.  You can comment with a first name, your initials or a nickname. If you supply your full name, we will only publish your first name with your comment.

Your Privacy with the Other Organisations We Work With

Because your privacy is important we will not sell, rent, or trade your personal information without your prior informed consent.

In providing our business services to you, we may disclose information about you to our associated businesses and contractors to carry out activities on our behalf, e.g. comedy performers, comedy writers, marketing contractors.

We may use your personal information to contact you from time to time to give you information and offers about performances and services provided by us.

If you do not wish to receive marketing information from us, or our associated organisations, you will be given information in each such communication on how to opt-out of receiving this contact from us.  You may also contact us on any of the contact details on these pages to tell us your contact preferences.  ©copyright 2016 – A Laugh And A Half

To protect your privacy, we impose strict requirements of security and confidentiality on all  contractors and third parties as to how they handle your personal information.  Outside contractors are not allowed to use information about you for any purpose except to perform the services we have asked them to provide.

Your Access to Your Personal Information

We will take reasonable steps to make sure that the personal information we collect, use or disclose is accurate, complete and up to date. If your personal details change, such as your address or phone number, please contact us to update your details so we may continue to provide requested information to you

After receiving a request from you, we will provide you with a copy of any personal information which we may hold about you in accordance with our obligations under the Privacy Act.  In accordance with the Act, we may, within reason, charge a fee for retrieving this information, in which case we will inform you of the fee in advance of providing the information.

We undertake to promptly acknowledge and investigate any complaint about the way we manage personal information.

Other Third Parties and our Website

We use several web server log file analysis programmes, to gather general information from code in the web pages of this website. This information is not capable of identifying you.  Types of information gathered include your IP address, what pages you have viewed, time of your view and your location previous to accessing the website.  We use this information for statistical and maintenance purposes.

We may, from time to time, also use external companies for maintenance or problem solving and to gather non-personal information from cookies in order to analyse the effectiveness of any of our  marketing activities.

Information Subscriptions

We may offer an e-mail subscription service on our web site/s.  The only information required for this subscription is a name and an e-mail address.  The database for this subscription service is managed on our behalf by Aweber Communications, Inc.  Aweber Communications’ Privacy Policy may be viewed at:  http://www.aweber.com/privacy-policy.htm  ©copyright 2016 – A Laugh And A Half

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy Statement may be updated from time to time. The current edition will be located here on our website.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this policy or if you wish to update information we hold about you, please write to:

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A Laugh And A Half

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